ISO 41001
Facility Management System

ISO 41001
Facility Management System

The International Organization for Standardization released a standard called ISO 41001:2018 that outlines recommendations for facility management. It has the same core language, concepts, and terminology as other ISO standards including ISO 50001 (Energy Management) and ISO 45001 (Occupational Health and Safety).

Supporting materials, such as standards detailing FM terminology, important concepts, benefits, and agreement development, were also produced prior to the April 2018 release of ISO 41001.

The objective of the standard is to assist companies in demonstrating effective and efficient FM, pursuing consistency in the definition of FM criteria, and achieving sustainability. It harmonizes FM principles and requirements in a way that various kinds of organizations can take advantage of it.

Advantages of ISO 41001 Certification

  • The implementation of SO 41001 has the potential to significantly impact companies by enhancing worker health and safety, lowering their environmental impact, and achieving significant cost and efficiency benefits.

  • By defining a standard methodology and a set of procedures that can be used globally as a benchmark for creating and directing an efficient strategic, tactical, and operational FM system, ISO 41001 will benefit businesses in a variety of ways and enable FM teams to work as efficiently as possible.

  • Additionally, it will help businesses looking to outsource FM because those service providers who can show that they adhere to the standard will give them confidence in their methods and procedures.

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